
π–₯Έ Our Vision & Mission

Our vision is for a world where folks live their true nature, and our mission unto that ideal is cultivating an environment to breathe and grow (an environment conducive to healing), by helping clients:

  • address their trauma & potential, 

  • nurture their nervous systems, 

  • and set up their environments to support their truest selves 

We strive to offer clients and our employees ease, welcome, and a sigh of relief in every interaction with us and our process. We aim to be executive-function-friendly and sensory-mindful throughout - an easy to navigate environment where people don’t waste their mental and emotional energy with us as we welcome them to make space for themselves to breathe and grow. From our seamless client onboarding systems and our trauma-informed sales processes that are safe, clear, and our sensory-mindful office space, we cultivate an environment of rest from overstimulation, pressure, and overwhelm.

We hope our team models for clients breaking free from burdensome external and internal expectations that don't fit who they are. As they reconnect with who they truly are by addressing trauma and the nervous system we also come alongside them in very practical support to help set up their lives and personal environments to bolster and reinforce the truest version of themselves.

π–₯Έ Our Values

The Hope Preserve functions by values that guide who we are as a team, how we present to our communities, and how we operate our systems and processes. We hire staff who bring these values to life and who receive life from our vulnerable attempts to live these values together. 

Integration is Emotional Safety:

  • A safe therapist has done and is doing their own inner work and accountability work. 

  • Boundaries and differentiation naturally occur as we reintegrate with lost or avoided parts of ourselves. We see differentiation and integration as two sides of the same coin and have been richly rooted in a non-pathologizing, consent-oriented IFS/Parts Work framework for over a decade. 

Non-performance - being rather than doing

  • A non-judging therapist is curious and does not impose their personal or learned standard of β€œhealth” or β€œwholeness.” They honor the empowerment of clients to connect with their own values and hopes. 

  • Being relief instead of promising relief: We don’t make promises about the future outcomes of relief we can provide; we deliver our outcome-generating services on a process of relief every step of the way. We build everything we do around making our admin and services delightful to interact with and teaching clients' nervous systems what it's like not to have to fight against something every time they want to do something nice for themselves. 

  • Unmasking (as is personally safe in given contexts): We’re not here to extract adherence to cultural and neuro-normative standards from our clients or employees. We hope to be open with the accommodations we afford ourselves as we go about our daily lives and business - creative, courageous, authentic personal expression. Varying intersections of privilege and safety greatly affect folks’ ability to unmask, and we hire team members who can hold sacred space not just for their own unmasking, but for their peers’ and clients’ as well. 

  • Relief rather than behavior modification: We don’t believe in β€œfixing” clients or measuring their growth via β€œhealthy behavior” markers. We want to support them in how they experience their lives and the world - and in discovering what their own markers for healing or growth are. We hope they have a sense of relief, experiencing their surroundings as less harsh, and feel more alive to their positive experiences - if that’s what they also hope.


  • A reverent therapist honors the client as the expert on their own life and respects mystery, curiosity, consent, and self-authorization. 

  • We love to nerd out on neurobiology, but there is always more to discover and we assume that some of what we’re saying now will eventually be upturned. We psychoeducate but we don’t indoctrinate. In our spaces the assumption is that n=1. We listen to clients as individuals and help them based on their unique experience of the world and their lived experience of their symptoms/frustrations rather than assuming we know best. 

  • Warmth and aesthetics: We want our spaces to be alive and to feel like an active participant in the sacred and magical work that happens within them. The warmth we share must permeate our relationships as well, and we seek to create an environment for clients and fellow team members that actually feels nurturing and doesn’t just perform aesthetics or social-worthy backdrops. 

Connection and collaboration - together we can do what would crush us individually

  • Clinician Benefit: We created our group to make a great place for great people to work. We intend for our clinicians to benefit from the same nervous-system-friendly systems and processes as our clients, and expect their caseloads to leave breathing room for their own personal wellbeing while making a livable wage. 

  • Collective benefit: Though there is individualized, intricately attuned work to be done, and we do help a lot with that part, healing does not happen in a vacuum. We seek increasingly to align with liberation psychology/theology and believe that we’re free when we’re all free. 

  • Inclusion: We seek ever increasingly to be a team of varying backgrounds, experiences, beliefs, and specialties that feels welcoming to clients of the same. It’s imperative to us that our office function from a foundation of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in its assumptions, culture, and practice. We aren’t near done listening, taking accountability, or doing our work, but invite you to join with us as we continually learn and unlearn in our areas of privilege and unconscious bias.

What’s the next step?
You’ve got choices!

π–₯Έ Connect with Us Directly π–₯Έ

  • πŸ—“ Schedule Appointment

    Feel free to check our availability and schedule your first appointment.

    1 - Choose clinician, appointment type (in-person/telehealth, & session length
    2 - Reserve your time
    (3 - You can use the Waitlist on the calendar to let us know when you’re available if you need a different time.)

  • πŸ“± Text Us

    If you have a quick question or aren’t a fan of phone calls, we like texting too!

    You’re welcome to request a free 10-minute consult (tell us good times to reach you), or get help picking your therapist. Let us know of any questions or concerns about the process, logistics, etc. Just make sure not to send sensitive personal info via text.

  • πŸ“§ Email Us

    This form helps guide you through what to write if you’re not sure what to say (and leaves plenty space if you are). Just use the checkboxes to let us know how we can help.

    Feel free to send any questions or concerns about the process, logistics, our expertise, etc. Just make sure not to send sensitive personal info via email.

π–₯Έ Keep Exploring in Your Own Way π–₯Έ

  • πŸ“ Check out Resources

    The resources are a great way to get to know how we think and what our approaches are like.

  • 🌿 Office Tour πŸ›‹οΈ

    Get a feel for what the vibe is like at the office, and get comfortable with the setting you might visit.

  • πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ Common Questions

    Check out the FAQ for info on logistics, or view the About page for more info on philosophy or methods.

  • πŸ—“οΈ Check Availability

    Take a look at our current availability, pricing, and specialized services to see how they might fit your world.